Location:NC-Track Log
Project No.
Select Project
[99999.01] Chantilly Office - Marketing and Sales
[99998.01] Chantilly Office - Proposal Preparation
[99996.01] Chantilly Office - Personal Time Off
[99995.01] Chantilly Office - Holiday
[04.99911.01] Hampton Soils/Concrete Lab & Equipment
[04.99910.01] Hampton, VA- Holiday
[04.99909.01] Hampton, VA- Personal Time Off
[04.99908.01] Hampton, VA- Proposal Preparation
[04.99907.01] Hampton, VA- Marketing & Sales
[04.99906.01] Hampton, VA- Department Overhead
[04.07323.01] T1-12 Task Order VDOT CEI Fredericksburg Contract ID 51761
[04.07151.01] VDOT Simonson Landing Living Shoreline
[04.06941.01] Services for Payne Enterprises Group LLC
[04.06926.01] Structure 2413 Repairs- Deck Joint Concrete
[04.06824.01] Commerce Street- City of Richmond Annual Engineering
[04.06548.01] VDOT Statewide Maintenance - Guardrail Assessment
[04.06283.03] Jefferson Avenue Resurfacing UPC 121114
[04.06283.02] Denbigh Boulevard Resurfacing
[04.06283.01] Jefferson Avenue Resurfacing
[04.06042.02] Isle of Wight Main Street-258 Bypass (Kimley-Horn)
[04.04927.01] Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion
[04.04595.01] Fort Lee Mahone Gate
[04.03932.03] I-64 Widening and High Rise Bridge - CWI
[04.03932.01] I-64 Widening and High Rise Bridge
[03.99905.01] Gaithersburg, MD- Holiday
[03.99904.01] Gaithersburg, MD-Personal Time Off
[03.99903.01] Gaithersburg, MD-Proposal Preparation
[03.99902.01] Gaithersburg, MD-Marketing & Sales
[03.99901.01] Gaithersburg, MD-Department Overhead
[03.07287.01] MDTA AE3132 Key Bridge Reconstgruction GEC Task 1
[03.07273.01] WSSC Hampshire Greens & Colesville Water Tower
[03.07180.01] Baltimore County Pavement Cores
[03.07156.01] WSSC Wilson Street Test Pitting
[03.07136.01] AA County Taylor Ave SWM Facility
[03.07129.01] WMATA New Carrollton Yard
[03.07125.01] AA Arnold WTP Maintenance Building (Michael Baker)
[03.07114.01] AA County CSSC Water Main Extension Crossing I-97
[03.07098.01] City of Annapolis Poplar Trail Boardwalk
[03.07097.01] MNCPPC Laytonsville Local Park
[03.07093.01] 1205 Warrington Ave. SE. Building 2 - Drilling
[03.07085.01] MNCPPC Cloverly Local Park
[03.07052.01] AA County SWM Facility along MD 174
[03.07044.01] DC PLUG
[03.06974.01] City of Annapolis Annapolis Walk Drive SWM
[03.06962.01] MNCPPC Long Branch Local Park
[03.06961.01] MCDOT Wightman Road Culvert Replacement
[03.06960.01] SHA BCS2022-06F FSK Key Bridge Geotech Engineer Support
[03.06950.01] Hampshire Garden - Drilling
[03.06918.01] Howard County Garden Plots at Old Montgomery Rd
[03.06877.01] BCS2021-23A Task 3 Data QCQA Engineer
[03.06807.01] CCBC Technology Building Renovation and Expansion
[03.06802.02] MSA MLS Stadium (Moody Nolan)
[03.06781.01] MCDOT Cattail Road Bridge M-0491 Replacement
[03.06775.01] Frederick Municipal Airport South Apron
[03.06774.01] BCS 2022-09B-Task 6-I-495 Contract B Concept
[03.06757.01] WSSC Task 6 Large Meter Vaul Replacement
[03.06721.01] Windridge Farm
[03.06708.01] WSSC Task 4 Carmody Hills Dr
[03.06706.01] Harford County Tollgate Road Culvert Replacement
[03.06694.01] Steed Road Substation No. 164
[03.06691.01] WSSC Task 2 Woodside Watermain Replacement
[03.06688.01] WSSC Task 3 Riverside Road Watermain Replacement
[03.06667.01] DDOT Bridge Maintenance Facility SWM Facility
[03.06650.03] BCS2022-06G US 1 from Baltimore City Line to I-695
[03.06614.01] NCHRP10-126 Field-Cured Products and Water Quality
[03.06609.01] SHA BCS 2022-08C Geohazards Env Site Eval - Task 1
[03.06606.01] BCS2021-23C Quality Control and Assurance Engineer
[03.06597.01] City of Annapolis Poplar Trail SWM Facilities
[03.06541.03] BCS2022-09A American Legion Bridge – VDOT Land Borings
[03.06541.02] BCS2022-09A I-495 & I-270 Off-Site Stormwater Management
[03.06519.01] MCDOT North High Street Extended
[03.06513.01] SHA BCS2017-06B Task 1 MD 4 at Suitland Pkway
[03.06507.01] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
[03.06486.01] AA County Inner Wee Bike Trail
[03.06414.01] BGE MAOP - Owings Mill
[03.06375.01] MCDOT Burlington Ave at 13th Street Separated Bike Lanes
[03.06371.01] AA County Whitehall Rd 8-inch Gravity Sewer under US50
[03.06307.01] Carroll County Regional Airport Relocate Runway 16-34
[03.06284.01] MNCPPC Jesup Blair Park Renovation Facility
[03.06280.01] Town of Centreville Wastewater Treatment Facilities
[03.06214.01] MNCPCC Powerline Trail Phase 2
[03.06168.01] AACounty Arlington Echo Marsh Boardwalk Replacement
[03.06164.01] BCS 2020-06B Replacement of Bridge 0050 over Rock Creek
[03.06152.01] City of Annapolis Hilltop Lane trail
[03.06118.01] Amtrak New Carrollton Station High Speed Rail Project
[03.06084.01] BCS2020-06K Task 2 Replacement of Bridge No. B-0119
[03.05957.01] MCDOT MD 586 Veirs Mill Road BRT
[03.05906.01] MCDOT - Carroll Avenue Separated Bikeway
[03.05821.01] MNCPPC Powerline Trail Phase 1
[03.05586.01] PG County Town of Upper Marlboro
[03.05545.01] Amtrak Baltimore Penn Station Next Gen High Speed Rail
[03.05508.02] BCS2017-06C Task 2 On-Site Engineer
[03.05365.03] Howard County Pavement Data Collection 2023
[03.05150.01] AA County South Shore Trail Phase 4
[03.05011.01] PEPCO - Takoma Substation # 27
[03.04907.01] M-NCPPC Long Branch Trail Connector to Carroll Avenue
[03.04544.02] Suitland High School
[03.04544.01] Suitland High School
[01.99997.01] Chantilly Office - Department Overhead
[01.99000.01] Soils/Concrete Lab & Equipment
[01.07338.99] Kingsman Park & Field SWM Facility
[01.07333.01] Portals IV - Parcel 47E LLC
[01.07331.99] (Tertius) DGS DOC Boiler Replacement - 1901 D St SE
[01.07325.99] (Tertius) DCIA Infrastructure Academy - 2500 Benning Rd NE
[01.07317.99] DGS Splash and Spray Park upgrades
[01.07312.99] 1900 E Street NW - Theodore Roosevelt Building Garage
[01.07309.01] Ashgarten Dr - Env TSA
[01.07306.01] Erdman Ave Warehouse Facility
[01.07300.01] LCPS - Modulars at Potomac Falls High School
[01.07299.01] LCPS - Modulars at Lightridge High School
[01.07294.99] (Tertius) 632 Howard Road SE
[01.07293.99] (Tertius) 1100 F Street NE
[01.07291.99] (Tertius) 3715 30th Place NE
[01.07281.99] (Tertius) DGS Oak Hill Water Storage Tank
[01.07279.99] (Tertius) DCP Wilkinson Phase 2 - 2330 Pomeroy Road SE
[01.07272.01] Eastern Market at Reagan National Airport
[01.07270.99] (Tertius) Sojourner Truth Montessori PCS - 3420 16th ST NE
[01.07262.01] FCDOT - Mason Neck SUP Drilling
[01.07259.99] (Tertius) Plummer Elementary School Kitchen/Cafeteria
[01.07257.01] Olde Ashburn Center
[01.07256.99] (Tertius) 3412 Texas Ave SE
[01.07250.99] (Tertius) 1425 N Street NW - James Apartments Facade Bracing
[01.07236.99] (Tertius) DGS Burroughs ES Modernization - 1925 Newton St NE
[01.07235.01] 2025 Interstate Pavement Coring - Drilling
[01.07231.99] (Tertius) 2908 N Street SE
[01.07228.99] (Tertius) 231 S Street NE
[01.07223.99] (Tertius) 1325 Queen Street NE
[01.07222.99] (Tertius) 622 Evarts Street NE
[01.07221.99] (Tertius) 2102 Ridgecrest Court SE
[01.07219.01] WV SW Facilities 2025
[01.07218.02] Young Stars Early Learning Center
[01.07218.01] Young Stars Early Learning Center
[01.07217.01] VDOT NoVa CEI HNTB
[01.07216.01] VDOT NoVa CEI RKK
[01.07210.99] GMC Renovation - 15113 Crain Hwy
[01.07209.99] DDOT Local Paving Citywide Inspection (DCKA-2023-C-0040)
[01.07207.99] (Tertius) 770 Gresham Place NW
[01.07205.99] 3611 20th Street NE - TPI
[01.07196.99] DCP Wilkinson Phase 2 - QC
[01.07194.01] Prince William County Graham Park Road Sidewalk
[01.07185.99] DCPS Drew Elementary School
[01.07184.99] Davis Elementary School-Swing Project (WKM)
[01.07182.01] IAD Terminal Redevelopment
[01.07179.99] (Tertius) Ludlow Taylor ES Classroom Addition - 659 G St NE
[01.07178.99] (Tertius) 135 Kentucky Ave SE
[01.07169.01] Dummy Testing Project
[01.07162.01] 9014 Old Georgetown Road
[01.07161.99] Capital One Arena Transformation
[01.07154.02] Bladensburg Rd NE PII ESA
[01.07154.01] Bladensburg Rd NE ESA
[01.07145.01] COA King Street-Bradlee Safety & Mobility Enhancements
[01.07143.01] Commercial Property
[01.07140.01] LTS 078
[01.07137.01] PA MBP3 CMCI Support (Volkert)
[01.07131.01] Freddie Mac 2024 - 2025
[01.07128.99] (Tertius) FEMS Fleet Maintenance Facility
[01.07126.01] Sudley Cleaners
[01.07115.01] National Museum of US Army Security Wall
[01.07112.03] VDOT Richmond CEI (AMT)
[01.07110.01] Banneker Elementary School Compaction Testing
[01.07107.99] (Tertius) PIVS Presidential & Media Stands 1600 Penn Ave NW
[01.07106.01] Lower Potomac Fields
[01.07105.01] Gum Springs Community Center
[01.07103.99] (Tertius) DGS Leckie Education Campus - 4201 MLK Jr Av SW
[01.07100.01] Town of Herndon - Fuel Tank Replacement
[01.07099.01] Arlington Traditional Synthetic Turf
[01.07092.01] Rte 637 and Black Water Swamp - Drilling
[01.07090.01] City of Alexandria Colonial Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement
[01.07087.01] FC Workhouse Arts Ctr Sediment Sampling
[01.07086.99] (Tertius) 2735 Connecticut Ave NW
[01.07083.99] (Tertius) 1406 Spring Road NW
[01.07082.01] COA Valley Drive Drainage Upgrade
[01.07079.99] Washington International School - TPI
[01.07078.99] (Tertius) 2921 12th Street NE
[01.07074.01] Leesburg Premium Outlets: Sprinkler Room - Visual Mold Ass.
[01.07071.01] Farmville Roundabout VDOT BLD and Table
[01.07065.99] Dummy proposal
[01.07060.01] VDOT S&B Replacement of Rte. 58 Bridge over Cabin Creek
[01.07045.99] (Tertius) 1136 Neal Street NE
[01.07039.99] (Tertius) 1463 Harvard St NW
[01.07038.99] (Tertius) 441 Q Street NW
[01.07037.01] Town of Purcellville - Berlin Tpke & Eastgate Dr Roundabout
[01.07036.99] (Tertius) 4400 MacArthur Blvd NW - Concrete Garage Repairs
[01.07024.01] PWC Colchester Rd Retaining Wall
[01.07023.01] VDOT S&B Culpeper R824 over Stockton Creek Bridge
[01.07021.99] (Tertius) 3306 19th Street NW
[01.07020.99] (Tertius) 2608 4th Street NE
[01.07019.99] (Tertius) 1425 N Street NW - James Apartments Garage Repairs
[01.07017.99] (Tertius) Hill East Campus - 1900 Mass Ave SE
[01.07013.01] MWAA DCA QTA Electrical Power Upgrade
[01.06999.01] VPRA Railroad Bridges over Newington Rd
[01.06997.99] (Tertius) DGS Stoddert ES Addition - 4001 Calvert St NW
[01.06995.01] CM Services - AlexRenew
[01.06992.01] Sudley Cleaners
[01.06989.99] (Tertius) 4618 Lee Street NE
[01.06988.99] (Tertius) 5202 Jay St NE
[01.06984.99] Whittier Place Apartments
[01.06976.99] (Tertius) 1001 17th Street NE
[01.06966.01] FC Rte 50 Service Road Pavement Study
[01.06963.01] FCPA Wakefield Park Diamond Field #8
[01.06953.99] (Tertius) DGS Davis Elementary School HVAC Replacement
[01.06949.01] PWC Van Buren Road North Extension (KHA)
[01.06948.99] (Tertius) GWU Tompkins Lab B02 - 725 23rd Street NW
[01.06940.99] (Tertius) 1310 North Capitol Street NW
[01.06934.01] Willard Sherwood Monitoring Well Installation - Drilling
[01.06929.01] VPRA Phase II ESAs
[01.06928.99] (Tertius) 258 16th Street SE
[01.06924.99] (Tertius) 900 25th Street NW
[01.06922.01] VDOT Statewide Sustainability Consulting
[01.06921.99] (Tertius) Hendley ES HVAC Upgrade - 425 Chesapeake St SE
[01.06920.01] Splashdown Pump Shelter
[01.06916.01] FC Little River Tpke Bus Stop
[01.06914.99] (Tertius) DGS DC Stabilization and Sobering Center (DCSSC)
[01.06903.01] Nightwing Lab Services
[01.06896.99] (Tertius) 6405 Chillum Place NW
[01.06895.01] Durga Temple Addition
[01.06884.99] (Tertius) 3601 10th Street NW
[01.06882.01] Town of Herndon - AST SPCC Plan
[01.06881.01] Town of Herndon - UST Closure
[01.06878.01] I-81 Overhead Signs in Salem
[01.06874.99] (Tertius) 1319 11th Street NW
[01.06873.01] 7600 Old Keene Mill Road
[01.06869.02] FCPA Lake Fairfax Dam (Repairs)
[01.06868.01] Retaining Wall Replacement at Aristotle Dr
[01.06867.99] 1861 Kendal Street NE
[01.06862.01] VDOT L&D Rte 19 Improvements
[01.06859.99] (Tertius) 1724 Potomac Ave SE
[01.06857.01] VDOT DB I-81 CIP Exit 143 to 150
[01.06856.99] (Tertius) 1242 3rd Street NE - Manifest CAW
[01.06855.99] CUA McMahon Hall - 620 Michigan Ave NE
[01.06854.01] Long Bridge Partners
[01.06850.01] VDOT S&B Bristol and Salem Districts Bridge Bundle Review
[01.06847.99] (Tertius) MacArthur HS Part III (MCN)
[01.06846.99] (Tertius) MacArthur HS Parts I & II (MCN)
[01.06845.99] (Tertius) Mundo Verde PCS - 4401 8th Street NE
[01.06843.99] (Tertius) 3603 34th Street NW
[01.06831.02] Herndon Town Hall - Mold Survey
[01.06821.01] VDOT L&D Gloucester Rt 17, Gloucester VA
[01.06820.01] VDOT L&D King Williams Rt 360 and Rt 647, Aylett, VA
[01.06818.99] (Tertius) 3315 12th Street NE
[01.06817.99] (Tertius) 1743 S Street NW
[01.06812.01] FCPA MLK Park Trail and Boardwalk
[01.06809.01] VDOT L&D I-64 WB Off-Ramp Improvements
[01.06799.01] Town of Herndon - Herndon Pky Water Sample
[01.06792.01] Atlantic IAD - Airside & Landside Improvements
[01.06785.01] VDOT L&D I-64/623 Drilling and Lab
[01.06769.99] (Tertius) 7170 12th ST NW - District Dogs at Walter Reed
[01.06768.01] DCFA 555 Sewer Program Management (Brown and Caldwell)
[01.06765.01] FC 1911 Anderson Road Retaining Wall Replacement
[01.06762.99] (Tertiu) 4939 Quebec St NW
[01.06761.99] (Tertius) 3469 14th ST NW
[01.06760.99] (Teritus) 310 Varnum Street NW
[01.06759.99] (Tertius) 501 Kennedy St NW
[01.06752.99] (Tertius) DGS PSCC Building Renovation 310 McMillan Drive NW
[01.06748.01] DCA Roadway Improvements
[01.06747.99] CHEC Cooling Tower Replacement - 3101 16th Street NW
[01.06739.01] VRE Manassas Park Station
[01.06737.01] City of Manassas - Fairview Riverdale Trench Evaluation
[01.06736.01] Warrenton Dam Geotechnical Evaluation
[01.06726.99] (Tertius) DGS Browne EC - 850 26th St NE
[01.06722.99] (Tertius) 1862 Mintwood Place NW
[01.06716.99] (Tertius) 512 Taylor ST NW
[01.06713.99] (Tertius) DGS Fort Dupont Ice Arena FDIA
[01.06707.01] VDOT Denbigh Blvd Interchange
[01.06687.01] PWC Digital Gateway Improvements
[01.06684.99] (Tertius) Center City PCS Maker Space - 2335 18TH St NE
[01.06683.99] (Tertius) DGS YSC 1000 Mt. Olivet Road NE
[01.06681.99] Hillcrest Aquatic Center
[01.06680.99] (Tertius) 1627 C Street SE
[01.06679.99] Hillcrest Aquatic Center
[01.06676.01] VDOT DB I-81/I-77 Junction
[01.06666.01] 7423 Baltimore Avenue
[01.06661.99] (Tertius) 541 Irving St NW
[01.06658.01] Centerfield Farm Drive
[01.06649.99] (Tertius) 2400 Ontario Rd NW
[01.06647.01] 12th Street Drainage Improvements
[01.06645.99] Francis Pool Interior Renovation
[01.06643.99] (Tertius) 5318 5th ST NW
[01.06642.99] (Tertius) 1644 Irving St NW
[01.06641.99] (Tertius) 1448 Fairmont ST NW
[01.06638.01] WV SW Facilities
[01.06629.01] Robert's Road East Drainage Improvements
[01.06627.99] (Tertius) 240 QUACKENBOS ST NE
[01.06622.99] (Tertius) DGS Jelleff Recreation Center
[01.06621.99] (Tertius) 1522 Rhode Island Ave NE
[01.06620.99] Industrial Hygiene Services - DC Infrastructure Academy
[01.06616.02] DDOT East Capitol Safety & Mobility (Volkert)
[01.06612.01] Chesterfield County Rt 288 at Rt 10 Improvements
[01.06610.01] COA Sewer Relocation
[01.06607.02] TOL - Fox Chapel and Kincaid Forest BMP Retrofit Study
[01.06607.01] Town of Leesburg - Ponds Retrofit Feasibility Study
[01.06605.99] (Tertius) DGS Old Miner ECE Modernization - 601 15th ST NE
[01.06603.01] Back River WWTF and Patapsco WWTF - IAQ Survey
[01.06602.99] (Tertius) 6605 Georgia Ave NW
[01.06596.99] 1387 F Street NE - SI
[01.06594.99] (Tertius) 733 Euclid Street NW
[01.06593.99] (Tertius) 1023 Irving Street NW
[01.06592.01] VDOT L&D Jefferson Park Roundabout
[01.06589.01] IAD Inner AOA Fence and Perimeter Road
[01.06587.99] (Tertius) 1630 K ST NE
[01.06585.01] Rocky Branch Pedestrian Bridge
[01.06578.99] 604 15th Street NE - SI
[01.06576.99] DCPS Drew Elementary School
[01.06575.99] 313 I Street NE
[01.06573.99] (Tertius) 1534 D Street NE (Villarroel-Vessey Residence)
[01.06571.99] DGS Adams Modernization
[01.06570.01] FC Odor Control Station
[01.06564.01] VDOT I-81 Ironto Exits 128 to 137
[01.06561.01] DCA LSG Sky Chef Facility
[01.06553.01] PWC Rollins Ford Road Roundabouts
[01.06546.99] (Tertius) Alice Deal Middle School Addition
[01.06544.01] Danville S Boston Rd Third Lane
[01.06542.99] 100 V Street NE _ Tertius
[01.06539.99] (Tertius) DGS Bunker Hill Elementary School
[01.06538.02] IAD Jackmont Hospitality - Rappahanock Restaurant
[01.06537.01] Town of Round Hill Retaining Wall
[01.06527.99] 601 Mass Avenue NE _ Tertius
[01.06526.99] 1815 13th Street NW - TPI
[01.06521.99] (Tertius) 4402 Georgia Avenue NW
[01.06512.01] VDOT L&D I-64 Exit 181 Interchange Improvements
[01.06497.99] Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School
[01.06494.99] 1365 Perry Place NW _ Tertius
[01.06489.01] Route 50 and Everfield Drive Roundabout
[01.06488.01] Town of Orange Traffic Pole
[01.06485.99] DC Engine 33 Fire Shop
[01.06483.99] 1242 C Street NE - SI
[01.06479.02] Arlington Crystal City Metro (Gannett Fleming)
[01.06472.99] 5032 Tilden Street NW _ Tertius
[01.06470.99] 647 G Street SE
[01.06464.99] 734 Taylor St NW
[01.06463.01] City of Manassas Mathis Ave Streetscape
[01.06461.01] VDOT L&D District Ave and Hydraulic Rd
[01.06456.99] (Tertius) 1940 3rd Street NW
[01.06455.99] Tertius_ 5032 Tilden Street NW
[01.06448.99] Tertius_ 914 G Street SE
[01.06444.99] 1709 3rd Street NE - TPI
[01.06439.99] Meyer Elementary School Elevator
[01.06437.99] Early Stages at Ron Brown HS
[01.06435.99] 2620 Georgia Ave NW
[01.06434.99] 1146 16th Street NE _ Tertius
[01.06431.99] 2206 Savannah Street SE - TPI
[01.06427.01] Town of Warrenton – Fauquier Road BMP
[01.06412.01] Crows Nest Harbour Parcels
[01.06409.99] (Tertius) KIPP DC Smilow Campus HVAC Renovation
[01.06406.99] DC Plug Feeder 14008 (Cube Root DCKA-2022-C-0068)
[01.06404.99] 1669 Avon Place NW - SI
[01.06402.99] DC Stabilization and Sobering Center - TPI
[01.06395.99] Aiton Elementary Modernization - Monitoring
[01.06394.99] 2001 10th Street NW - TPI
[01.06393.99] 211 Webster Street NE - TPI
[01.06390.01] VDOT L&D Ashcake Road Pedestrian Improvements
[01.06388.99] MacArthur High School - TPI
[01.06384.99] 2323 Nebraska Ave NW
[01.06383.99] Garrison Elementary School Playground
[01.06382.99] (Tertius) 223 8th Street NE
[01.06379.99] (Tertius) 718 Rhode Island Avenue NW
[01.06365.99] 1346 Constitution Ave NE - SI
[01.06352.99] (Tertius) 1364 Perry Place NW
[01.06345.99] 4250 Retail Space Tenant Upgrades
[01.06328.01] District Dogs
[01.06326.99] 1665 Avon Place NW - SI
[01.06325.99] 3118 Mount Pleasant Street NW
[01.06316.99] 1416 T Street NW
[01.06308.02] East G Street Sidewalk Improvement
[01.06306.99] DDOT Wheeler Road Safety Project (PSI)
[01.06302.99] 5910, 5920, 5930, 5940 14th Street NW
[01.06301.03] Berea Church Road (AMT)
[01.06301.02] South Van Dorn Street (AMT)
[01.06296.99] Roosevelt Stay @ Garnet Patterson - Interior Renovation
[01.06294.01] FC South Van Dorn St Ramp
[01.06290.99] 2819 N Street NW
[01.06279.02] VPRA Richmond Layover Facility-Final Phase
[01.06278.99] 22 Kennedy Street NW
[01.06277.99] 622 G Street NE
[01.06265.99] 710 Otis Place NW
[01.06264.01] Town of Leesburg - Plaza Street Sidewalk
[01.06262.01] VDOT L&D Gordonsville Roundabout
[01.06256.99] 1238 & 1240 V Street SE
[01.06255.99] 236 11th Street NE
[01.06245.99] Aiton Elementary Modernization - TPI
[01.06240.99] Tertius_43 T Street NE
[01.06239.99] 1613 S Street NW
[01.06236.01] FC Churchill Rd Pedestrian Bridge
[01.06235.99] 1201 Jefferson Street NW - TPI
[01.06232.99] 3203 7th Street NE
[01.06229.99] (Tertius) 421 T Street NW
[01.06226.01] City of Falls Church - Greening of Lincoln Avenue
[01.06210.01] Alexandria Waterfront Design Build
[01.06208.01] City of Roanoke-Orange Avenue
[01.06202.01] Fairfax County Parkway Trail at Dulles Toll Road
[01.06201.99] (Tertius) 2305 Nicholson Street SE
[01.06194.01] I-66 Rest Area Utility Crossing Borings
[01.06186.99] Tertius_Tyler Elementary School
[01.06179.99] Langley Elementary School HVAC Upgrades
[01.06177.01] D3 Training
[01.06176.99] Amidon-Bowen Elementary School Addition
[01.06174.01] VDOT S&B Rte 671 over Harris Branch
[01.06166.99] Tertius_605 Otis Place NW
[01.06165.99] Aiton Elementary Modernization - SI
[01.06159.01] VDOT S&B Rte. 267 EB over Rte. 123 Crossover
[01.06157.99] (Tertius) 1479 Harvard Street NW
[01.06149.99] 2440 Ontario Road NW
[01.06145.02] City of Alexandria 395 - Duke Street Ramp (WSP)
[01.06142.01] PWC Union St Sidewalk Retaining Wall (AMT)
[01.06139.99] DGS Adams Modernization
[01.06129.99] 3306 Highland Place NW
[01.06119.99] McMillan Community Center - Code
[01.06107.99] (Tertius) Model Cities Senior Wellness Center
[01.06103.99] Garfield Elementary School Modernization - SI Services
[01.06102.99] (Tertius) 2215 Lawrence Street NE
[01.06100.01] FCDOT Lincoln Street
[01.06097.99] (Tertius) 120 4th Street NE
[01.06090.99] (Tertius) 1517 Young Street SE
[01.06085.99] (Tertius) 23 Logan circle NW
[01.06083.99] Marabar Sculpture Relocation - Code
[01.06077.01] VDOT S&B Route 58 over NS Bridge Replacement
[01.06074.99] 3418 Reservoir Road NW
[01.06038.99] (Tertius) 2610 17th Street NE
[01.06037.01] FCDOT Old Keene Mill Rd WB Bus Stop and RW
[01.06035.99] (Tertius) 1801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Conference Suite 430
[01.06032.99] 1124 Morse Street NE
[01.06031.99] 845 19th Street NE
[01.06030.99] 1813 Vermont Avenue NW
[01.06027.99] (Tertius) Kenilworth Elementary Elevator Addition
[01.06015.99] 808 12th Street NE
[01.06013.99] 840 18th Street NE
[01.06011.01] FC 919 Priscilla Lane Slope Stability
[01.06008.99] 461 Delafield Place NW
[01.06007.99] 242 11th Street NE
[01.05998.01] Henrico County Woodman Road Widening
[01.05996.99] 3521 New Hampshire Avenue NW
[01.05991.01] EFLHD Project DC NP NAMA 25(1), 501(3)
[01.05986.01] VDOT L&D SUP at 5th Street Station
[01.05984.99] The Suites by Renz
[01.05983.99] 1534 Marion Street NW
[01.05982.99] (Tertius) 3298 Chestnut Street NW
[01.05981.99] 220 14th Street SE
[01.05979.01] WMATA ACM Survey for Chiller Plants and Pipings
[01.05977.99] Marabar Sculpture Relocation
[01.05973.99] 320 10th Street SE
[01.05966.99] 429 Kennedy Street NW
[01.05951.99] Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center Addition
[01.05944.99] 3713 R Street NW
[01.05939.02] VDOT I-66 at US 17 Interchange Improvements
[01.05931.99] 626 Harvard St NW
[01.05930.99] 739 Girard Street NW
[01.05929.99] 418 M Street NW
[01.05925.99] 2495 Alabama Avenue SE
[01.05913.99] CM Services for Fed-Aid Restoration NHS Routes JACOBS
[01.05911.02] FCPA Annandale Civic Park-Construction Phase
[01.05905.99] 327 Upshur Street NW
[01.05889.02] Winchester Green Circle Trail - Meadow Branch Segment
[01.05889.01] Winchester Green Circle Trail Phase IV
[01.05879.99] 1905 4th Street NW
[01.05878.99] 1112 6th Street NW
[01.05876.04] Fairfax County – On Call (RK&K) - Rte. 50 Walkway
[01.05876.03] Fairfax County – On Call (RK&K) - Orange Hunt Elementary
[01.05876.02] Fairfax County – On Call (RK&K) - Wolf Trap Elementary
[01.05876.01] Fairfax County – On Call (RK&K) - Wiehle Avenue
[01.05871.02] FCPA McLean Central Park Construction Phase
[01.05857.03] FCPA North Hill Park Trail Cracks Investigation
[01.05855.99] 1400 W Street NW
[01.05854.99] 2126 Newport Place NW
[01.05850.99] Anne Beers Elementary Playground Improvements
[01.05841.99] 1631 13th Street NW
[01.05832.99] (Tertius) 3408 Connecticut Avenue NW - SI
[01.05820.02] VDOT DB Route 29 at Hydraulic Road (Wallace Montgomery)
[01.05814.99] (Tertius) 1201 Jefferson Street NW
[01.05811.01] Loudoun County Ashburn Road Trail
[01.05810.01] Asbury Methodist Village
[01.05805.01] VDOT Rt 17 Improvements & Exit 133 P&R
[01.05803.02] VDOT Fredericksburg CEI (WRA)
[01.05800.01] VRE Manassas Parking Garage (GF)
[01.05797.99] 3400 Connecticut Avenue NW
[01.05790.99] 601 Mississippi Avenue SE - Broughton Construction HVAC
[01.05784.01] VDOT Route 1 -208 Lafayette Boulevard Multimodal (RDA)
[01.05758.01] VDOT Route 460 Intersection Improvements
[01.05755.99] 1032 5th Street NE
[01.05751.01] Fairfax County Accotink Gravity Sewer Improvements
[01.05748.99] (Tertius) 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE
[01.05738.99] Whittier Education Campus
[01.05735.99] Core and Shell Renovation at 700 H Street NE
[01.05733.01] VDOT L&D I-64 Exit 107 Park & Ride
[01.05732.02] PWC Rt 294 at Old Bridge Road - Phase I ESA
[01.05732.01] PWC Rt 294 and Old Bridge Road
[01.05728.99] 2001 I Street NE
[01.05727.99] DDOT St. Elizabeth's East CI Services (Dewberry)
[01.05723.99] 1471 Harvard Street NW
[01.05720.99] 515 Lamont Street NW
[01.05714.99] 1961 Biltmore Street NW
[01.05706.01] PWC Horner Road Park and Ride
[01.05698.99] 3519 S Street NW
[01.05694.99] Raymond Elementary School - DCRA Third Party Inspections
[01.05688.99] 4976 Benning Road SE - TPF
[01.05681.03] Smithsonian Bezos Learning Center (Perkins Will)
[01.05674.01] Gunstone Cove Road Infiltration Testing
[01.05671.99] 1300 I Street NE
[01.05662.99] 1813 North Capitol Street NE - TPI
[01.05657.99] 3200 13th St NW
[01.05651.99] 19th & Lamont Amenities Space Segmental Walls
[01.05648.03] Task Orders No. T1-14, T1-23, T2-35 - VDOT NOVA CEI (HNTB)
[01.05646.99] 14 P Street NW
[01.05645.99] 724 Varnum Street NW
[01.05634.99] 1714 Euclid Street NW - party walls
[01.05632.99] 627 Elliott Street NE
[01.05629.99] 1714 Euclid Street NW
[01.05622.99] 3934 14th Street NW - Party Wall check
[01.05617.99] 3934 14th Street NW
[01.05605.99] 620 Michigan Ave NE
[01.05590.01] FCDOT Shirley Gate Road Extension
[01.05589.01] JBMHH Hatfield Gate
[01.05582.99] 630 5th Street NE - TPI
[01.05581.99] 1117 Morse Street NE - party walls
[01.05579.99] (Tertius) McMillan Community Center
[01.05577.99] 1117 Morse Street NE
[01.05576.99] CM Services for Local Paving Citywide - Task Order #1
[01.05575.01] WMATA D&G Minnesota Ave. Aerial Structure FQ19172
[01.05568.99] Wiley Building Facade Evaluation
[01.05552.99] New Test Project
[01.05547.01] DDOT Citywide Sign Structures (AMT)
[01.05544.99] 1427 Potomac Avenue SE - party walls
[01.05537.99] 1267 Oates Street NE - party walls condition
[01.05536.99] 1427 Potomac Avenue SE
[01.05533.99] 1267 Oates Street NE
[01.05490.99] 314 10th Street SE - party walls
[01.05489.99] Benjamin Stoddert ES Temporary Modular Classrooms
[01.05487.01] RiverRenew Tunnel System Project
[01.05485.99] 1811 38th Street NW - party wall
[01.05482.99] 314 10th Street SE
[01.05472.99] 1811 38th Street NW - TPI
[01.05468.99] 1912 Benning Road NE
[01.05467.01] FCPA South Run Stream Valley Trail
[01.05464.05] City of Alexandria Bus Shelter Design (Ramey-Kemp)
[01.05455.99] 1638 Trinidad Ave NE
[01.05454.99] 1638 Trinidad Ave NE - party walls
[01.05416.99] Arboretum Recreation Center
[01.05412.03] Code Inspection for WMATA Northern Bus Garage
[01.05412.02] Clark - Northern Bus Garage - WMATA
[01.05412.01] WMATA Northern Bus Garage - WSP
[01.05390.99] Anacostia High School - Field Scoreboard Replacement
[01.05387.99] 3532 1/2 - 3536 13th Street NW
[01.05379.04] DEV-Atlantic Blvd Crossing 1A
[01.05379.03] DEV-Dulles Center Blvd Crossing 2A
[01.05378.99] 1026 4th Street NE - party walls
[01.05377.99] 1026 4th Street NE
[01.05376.99] 3205 Walnut Street NE - wall check
[01.05361.99] Van Ness Elementary – Phase 2
[01.05358.99] 601 Mississippi Ave SE
[01.05352.99] 1630 Kramer Street NE
[01.05344.99] Malcolm X Elementary School
[01.05339.99] 305 47th Street NE - check walls
[01.05338.99] 305 47th Street NE
[01.05336.99] 3205 Walnut Street NE
[01.05324.02] R&D for Technology Platforms
[01.05324.01] R&D for DB Pursuits
[01.05317.99] 620 C Street SE - Party Wall Monitoring
[01.05303.99] 620 C Street SE
[01.05302.99] 1900 Everts Street NE
[01.05282.99] 3255 Prospect Street NW
[01.05281.99] 124 Adams Street NW
[01.05280.99] 124 Adams Street NW - Party Wall Monitoring
[01.05241.99] Roosevelt HS Pool Entrance
[01.05240.99] 611 Gresham Place NW - party walls
[01.05239.99] 611 Gresham Place NW
[01.05238.99] 638 Morton Place NE - party walls
[01.05237.99] 638 Morton Place NE
[01.05218.99] DMY Capitol Overhead
[01.05213.99] 1330 K Street SE - party walls condition
[01.05212.99] 1330 K Street SE
[01.05206.99] 4315 New Hampshire Avenue NW - Party Wall Monitoring
[01.05205.99] 3705 & 3703 S Street NW
[01.05204.99] Pepco Harvard Substation Construction
[01.05203.99] 1236 18th Street NE - Party Wall Condition
[01.05202.99] 4315 New Hampshire Avenue NW
[01.05184.99] 1236 18th Street NE
[01.05178.99] 1019 17th Place NE
[01.05171.99] 321 V Street NE - party wall condition
[01.05170.99] 321 V Street NE
[01.05160.99] 1440 Oak Street NW - party walls
[01.05159.99] 1440 Oak Street NW
[01.05154.99] 3722 S Street NW
[01.05152.03] Alexandria Duke Street Parkway (WSP)
[01.05140.01] DC Water - DCFA 508 (Brown & Caldwell)
[01.05139.99] Ross Elementary School Modernization
[01.05138.99] 2466 Ontario Road NW
[01.05132.99] Randle Hill Apartments Renovations
[01.05093.99] 1312 Constitution Avenue NE
[01.05092.99] National Mall - Pavement Repair and Modifications
[01.05087.99] 3127 12th Street NE - TPI
[01.05079.99] 1303 C Street NE
[01.05067.99] 3524 Park Place NW
[01.05060.99] Judiciary House Garage Repairs and Upgrade
[01.05054.99] 28 Todd Place NE
[01.05047.99] 1220 Girard Street NW - TPI
[01.05044.99] Renovation of SOME Walter Reed Building 17
[01.05023.99] 1338 R Street NW
[01.05007.99] 2025 E Street NE
[01.05003.99] 1127 East Capitol Street SE
[01.04992.99] 1232 Florida Avenue NE
[01.04990.99] 3255 Prospect Street NW
[01.04976.99] 1715 North Capitol Street NE
[01.04973.99] 7700 Georgia Ave NW
[01.04933.99] Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan Education Campus
[01.04931.01] Emergency Family Medical Leave
[01.04930.01] Emergency Paid Sick Leave (2/3)
[01.04928.01] Emergency Paid Sick Leave (100%)
[01.04921.99] 1034 5th Street NE
[01.04902.99] 459 Florida Avenue NW
[01.04897.99] 826 20th Street NE
[01.04880.99] 2417 Franklin Street NE
[01.04879.01] LCPS Elementary School 23
[01.04857.99] 208 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
[01.04851.99] 1216 I Street NE
[01.04841.99] 910 6th Street NE
[01.04839.99] 1340 Harvard Street NW
[01.04837.99] 4309-4311 Kansas Avenue NW
[01.04836.99] 2244 Ontario Road NW
[01.04825.99] 1313 Orren Street NE
[01.04810.99] 2430 Wisconsin Avenue NW
[01.04797.99] 152 F Street SE (SI and TPI)
[01.04790.99] 1501 West Virginia Avenue NE
[01.04782.99] 200 I Street SE
[01.04781.99] 1731 Kalorama Condos
[01.04771.99] CM Services for Local Paving Citywide - Task Order #2
[01.04770.99] 37 L Street SE - Third Party Inspections
[01.04765.99] 2115 Bryant Street NE
[01.04764.99] 310 McMillan Drive NW (SI)
[01.04747.99] Rosewood Townhouses Renovations (TPI and SI)
[01.04707.99] National Children's Museum Steel Deck Inspection
[01.04684.99] 1120 Chicago Street SE - TPI and SI
[01.04621.99] Eaton Elementary School - Swing Space
[01.04597.99] 1208 H Street NE
[01.04591.99] 531 Kennedy Street NW (TPI and SI)
[01.04574.99] 37 L Street SE - Special Inspections
[01.04539.99] 3700 Connecticut Avenue NW - TPI
[01.04538.99] 2929 12th Street NE (TPI and SI)
[01.04512.99] 1507 Rhode Island Avenue NE
[01.04507.99] 324 Todd Place NE
[01.04505.99] 730 Webster Street NW TPI and SI
[01.04480.99] 1420 North Capitol Street SI and TPI
[01.04476.01] PWC North Woodbridge Mobility Improvements
[01.04453.99] 609 2nd Street NE - Special Inspection
[01.04439.02] Ashburn Station South Parking Deck
[01.04439.01] Loudoun Gateway Station Parking Deck
[01.04424.99] 1214 Wisconsin Avenue NW
[01.04416.99] 1432 G Street SE TPI and SI
[01.04409.99] Liberty Place Apartments
[01.04406.99] 721 Kennedy Street NW
[01.04174.02] Lake Manassas WTP Improvements
[01.04134.01] Town of Luray Main Street Bridge - Lab Testing
[01.04124.99] St. John's Episcopal Church Parish House Renovations
[01.04120.99] Clubhouse at Brambleton
[01.04119.99] Ward 6 Short Term Family Housing
[01.04058.99] 331 N Street NE
[01.03980.01] Oak Marr Driving Range
[01.03767.01] Old Cameron Run Trail - Geo
[01.03611.01] Dominion Inspection - Laboratory Testing
[01.03602.02] 4503 32nd Road North - CMT
[01.02980.11] US Route 1 BRT - Task 24
[01.02980.10] US Route 1 BRT - Task 23
[01.02980.09] US Route 1 BRT - Task 21
[01.02666.03] Richmond Highway Multi-Modal Improvements
[01.02156.01] DMY Staff Training